1. Go into CAS mode
2. You can choose Male or Female
3. You can choose Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult or Elder
4. Press the 'randomise' (not the gallery one) button 7 times.
5. Then with that sim, you have to 'randomise' any number of their outfits, but you may only press the randomise button a max of 10 times per item (this can be a full outfit, shirt, pants, shoes, accessories etc). You may return to one of the 10 items, you can't change the colour swatch though.
6. You have to randomise everything, from names, hair, hats, etc.
6. Post a screenshot of your randomised sim, giving a brief description of your crazy sim and why they dress the way they do in our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sims4.Groupchallenges/