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Single Father Challenge

Writer's picture: siriuslyblack20siriuslyblack20

Disclaimer: This challenge was altered from one created by KatiellaGaming to suit this page.

Goal: To raise 3 children as a single parent based on the easy or hard mode as follows:

Easy mode:

  1. Begin with a Young Adult Male (can be a new sim, from the gallery or a pre-made sim). Give your male sim at least one toddler, and two other children (toddler or child age, no teens).

  2. You may use the starting funds (up to 20k simoleons) to create a basic house for your family (or purchase an existing one, or download from the gallery).

Easy mode Goals:

  1. Raise your three children to Young Adults and complete the following:

  2. Have toddlers get to level 3 in all skills.

  3. Have children achieve an B in grade school, and complete one aspiration.

  4. Have teens achieve an B in High School, and get to level 2 on a part-time job.

  5. Have your Single Father reach level 10 parenting and achieve the 'Super Parent' aspiration.

Easy mode Rules:

  1. Your single father can only have a part-time job (or use the odd jobs function) or use a home-method of earning money (gardening, painting, writing, etc). No 'work from home' careers.

  2. You may not hire a butler, maid or nanny unless you achieve the 'free services' reward trait (consider this a 'single parent government aid')

  3. Your single father may find a romantic interest, however they are not allowed to get married or move in together. Sharing a key with them is allowed.


Hard Mode:

  1. Start with a Young Adult Male (can be a new sim, from the gallery or a pre-made sim, however he must be unskilled or very low skills - e.g Level 1 skills only).

  2. Your male sim may use up to 15k to create a small starter home. Use the money cheat to remove any household funds after the house has been built/ purchased/ downloaded from gallery.

  3. Your male sim must find a romantic interest (can be a new sim, from the gallery or a pre-made sim) and have three children. Twins/triplets are allowed.

  4. Your single father is not allowed to get married, or live with their romantic interest. Your sim can have 3 children by alien abduction if you choose to do so. Adoption is not allowed.

Hard Mode Goals:

  1. Raise your three children to Young Adults and complete the following:

  2. Have toddlers get to level 5 in all skills.

  3. Have children achieve an A in grade school, and complete two aspirations. If you have Seasons, enroll your child into the Scout Program. Receive at least 6/9 badges.

  4. Have teens achieve an A in High School, reach level 3 in an aspiration, and get to Llamacorn Scout status in the Scouts Program before they can get a part-time job. Get to level 3 on the part time job.

  5. Have your Single Father reach level 10 in cooking, handiness and one other skill.

  6. Have your Single Father reach level 10 parenting and achieve the 'Super Parent' aspiration.

Hard mode Rules:

  1. Your single father can only have use the odd jobs function or use a home-method of earning money (gardening, painting, writing, etc). No 'work from home' careers, no part-time careers, no freelance careers.

  2. You may not hire a butler, gardener, maid or nanny. If you have seasons, you may use the scarecrow to assist with your gardening.

  3. Your single father must take all children out to a park/ playground/ child-friendly lot at least once per week.

  4. Your single father must 'read to sleep' all children where the option is available.

  5. Your single father must help all children with homework and school projects.

I hope you enjoy this challenge, please share your progress in our Facebook Group -


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